In 2016, Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime committed to a large-scale public consultation on the new Police and Crime Plan for 2017-2021.

This report and associated datasets out the results from the first stage of the consultation process, to help develop the final draft of the Plan ahead of the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime’s (MOPAC) consultation from December 2016-January 2017.

A total of nearly 8,000 Londoners participated in the consultation, across two identical surveys with distinct methodologies. A survey was conducted through City Hall’s online research community Talk London. An option was provided for respondents to fill out the survey without registering an account on Talk London (48 respondents chose this option).

A further survey with identical questions and sample of 500 Londoners from black and ethnic minority backgrounds was commissioned through research agency TNS, in order to ensure that this group’s responses were well represented.

Results from both surveys were combined and incorporated into the draft plan, ahead of a further consultation in Winter 2016. You can view the separate datasets or combined crosstabs below.

  • Combined Talk London and TNS Survey Crosstabs – approximately 8,000 responses.
  • Talk London Police and Crime Plan Survey Crosstabs – approximately 7,400 responses. Fieldwork from 26th October 2016-16th November 2016.
  • TNS Police and Crime Plan Survey Crosstabs – Identical questionnaire to the main survey, with a sample of 500 Londoners from black and minority ethnic backgrounds – Fieldwork from 9th November 2016 to 21st November 2016.
  • A number of Londoners responded to the consultation outside the survey, through discussions on Talk London or direct letters/email to the Mayor. These have been collated, read, included in qualitative analysis slides in the consultation report.



UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
8 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
4 files