London Fire Brigade (LFB) data covering all incidents attended by month back to January 2013, broken down by incident type:

  • All fires attended - broken down by primary* and secondary fires
  • Deliberate fires attended
  • Dwelling & non-dwelling fires attended
  • False alarms attended
  • Road Traffic Accidents attended
  • Vehicle fires attended - broken down by deliberate/accidental/unknown
  • Open space fires attended - broken down by deliberate/accidental/unknown
  • Rubbish fires attended - broken down by deliberate/accidental/unknown
  • Shut-in-lifts attended
  • Special services - non-emergency visits

*Primary fires comprise of all fires attended by LFB in buildings, vehicles and outdoor structures, and fires involving casualties, and fires attended by five or more appliances. 

The statistics include some incidents that are not geo-referenced (with a borough name). Sometimes incidents are geo-coded later, and so the data can change each month, and data for more recent periods must be regarded as provisional.

Data are available in raw machine-readable (csv) format.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
6 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
1 file