Numbers of people on local authority electoral registers.

The table shows total number of local government electors includes residential qualifiers and attainers, Peers and European Union citizens. Local government areas are unitary authorities, London boroughs and district councils in England; unitary authorities in Wales; council areas in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

This table is derived from data supplied to ONS by Electoral Registration Officers and shows the number of people who on 1 December were registered to vote in the parliamentary and local elections in the UK. The residence qualification requires a person to be normally living at the address on the qualifying date, even if temporarily absent. People having more than one place of residence, such as students, may therefore be included on more than one register.

In Northern Ireland, eligibility for registration requires three month's residence within the province. Overseas electors are not resident in the United Kingdom, but must previously have been resident here and included in the electoral register (unless they were too young to register). They are registered in the same parliamentary constituency as before they went abroad. Attainer is the term used to describe a person who attains the age of 18 during the currency of the register, and is entitled to vote at an election held on or after his or her eighteenth birthday.

Annual data available on the ONS website.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 years ago  
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Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
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