Percentage of students, who entered an A Level or equivalent qualification, going to, or remaining in, an education destination or employment.

The percentage of students progressing to further learning in a school, Further Education or Sixth Form College, Apprenticeship, work based learning provider or Higher Education Institution. To be included in the Measure, young people have to show sustained participation in an education destination in all of the first two terms of the year after they completed KS4 or took A level or equivalent qualifications. The first two terms is defined as October to March.

The statistics are published as "Experimental Statistics" and do not display the National Statistics Logo. They are still being evaluated and remain subject to further testing to determine their reliability and ability to meet customer needs. The figures should be treated with caution as this is the first year for which such data have been produced. As improvements are made to the methodology, data quality will be assessed to establish whether the statistics meet the quality standards for National Statistics.

“x“ means the data has been suppressed as the school or college has fewer than 6 students in a particular denominator, or small numbers for the numerator (1’s and 2’s). Results are not shown because of the risk of an individual student being identified. All totals have been rounded to the nearest 10. Zeros are shown as zeros. See Technical Note from Department of Education for further detail.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
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