Display Energy Certificate (DEC) Register dataset for all UK public buildings.

Energy use, floorspace, emissions and efficiency ratings for 40,000 buildings of over 1,000m2 in England and Wales that are visited by the public.

DECs for individual buildings can be downloaded from www.ndepcregister.com using the Certificate Reference Number (variable RRN in the datasets).

Errors in the data collection or data entry can result in a building being given the wrong energy rating value - for example, buildings for which there is no kWh or CO2 data but which nonetheless have an A rating. This data was downloaded obtained from CSE and they cannot accept responsibility for errors in this data which originated from DCLG.

Last Update
10 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
  • Other
2 files
File icon
display_energy_certificate_data_2008_2009_2010.zipJan 2008 — Dec 2010

Same data as above in a zip folder