The EPR is an annual rating which generates a rating from zero to four stars for grant holders based upon a provider’s performance in three Key Performance Areas (KPAs): delivery performance, quality and contract compliance. For each KPA, performance is assessed through one or more performance indicators. The weighting each indicator contributes towards a KPA score has been developed in consultation with providers and the Performance Ratings should place a high emphasis on performance (i.e. outputs and results).

Key Performance Area (KPA) Weighting Indicators (KPI) Weighting of indicator within KPA Contract Performance 60% 1. Delivery against grant targets 48% 2. Delivery against grant diversity targets 12% Quality 30% 3. Conversion Factor 12% 4. Self assessment of quality 9% 5. Client Satisfaction 9% Contract Compliance 10% 6. Contract compliance and contractor pro-activity in delivery 10%

The idea behind the ratings is to identify good performance and also highlight where projects may need to improve to deliver better results. The ratings also allows the funding bodies to identify the top performing organisations more easily and make more informed funding decisions.

“The Employability Performance Rating tool is a great way of both demonstrating and measuring the value of European Social Fund funded programmes in London, and we are delighted that London’s ESF co-financing organisations have adopted it.” Alex Conway, London European Programmes Director.

The 2017/18 ratings are now published. Please see the below document to view the different ratings providers have received. The briefing for the 2017/18 ratings is also available to download. Last year's ratings are still available to download below.

Full Employability Performance Rating details can be found in the charts and tables below:

In chart form, this will be available for this year's ratings soon -


Or in an excel spreadsheet below:

Last Update
7 years ago  
6 files