A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a technical exercise to determine the quantity and suitability of land potentially available for housing development. It is not a site allocations exercise – the purpose is to provide a robust indication of aggregate housing capacity at local authority level. The SHLAA is a required part of the evidence base needed for the preparation of a Local Plan (as specified in the National Planning Policy Framework, para. 159). The Mayor carries out a London-wide SHLAA to determine the borough housing targets that form a key part of the London Plan.

The sites in appendices D and E (approval and allocation sites) from the SHLAA 2017 report are available for download below. Potential sites remain confidential.

Creative Commons Attribution
Last Update
5 years ago  
Update Frequency
One off
Geographic Coverage
  • Other
3 files
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SHLAA 2017 approvals and allocations GIS Shape files.zip

Zip file containing the ESRI shape files of the site boundary polygons of the approvals and allocations from the 2017 London SHLAA