Data and technical analysis for London Assembly Transport Committee report on bus services in London (October 2013).

The technical analysis published in support of the Transport Committee's report on bus services in London includes:

- the number of bus passenger journeys in London compared to rest of England for 2004/5-2012/13;

- annual actual and forecast bus passenger journeys and bus kilometres operated for 1999-2022;

- number of annual bus passenger journeys for each London bus route from 1999/00 to 2012-13;

- population growth and estimated changes in bus demand;

- annual bus passenger journeys and bus subsidy levels for 2007/08-2012/13;

- gross expenditure and passenger kilometeres operated per public transport mode; and

- use of concessionary fare by type on London Underground and bus service.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
11 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
1 file