My London is a new tool to help people who are moving to London for the first time or who are moving within London.

It allows people to define an area or neighbourhood of interest and pulls back an uptodate range of data important to decision making when moving house.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Output Area
9 files
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SummaryJan 2015

This file contains a single score for each of the four catagories that influence the map colour.

The scores have been normalised to a scale of 0-1, with 1 being the best area.

A weighting is also applied, depending on the number of criteria that are ticked and the order of the criteria.

Finally, the output areas are assigned to one of 8 colours (quantiles).

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Bounding BoxesJan 2015

maps the bounding box of each Output Area and gives the Lat/Long and Easting/Northing of the centre point - which can be used in calls to other websites such as the Metropolitan Police crime map and the London Schools Atlas

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modelled_OA_rentsJan 2015

This file contains modelled costs for renting 1, 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms properties. Rent values at a borough level from VOA data have been distributed proportionately using house sales in each Output Area (from 2013 and 2014 Land Registry data).

NOTE: Some OAs only have one price record so their ‘average’ prices aren’t really averages in any meaningful sense. Some OAs may have zero cases in which case values from their neighbours are used.

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MyLondon_fare_zone_OAJan 2015

The Fare Zones as used by TfL are defined by certain stations or points along lines, therefore, official Fare Zone areas do not exist.

The information for each station was modelled using Thiessen polygons (or areas of equal distance) around each station and these were combined to create nominal Fare Zones.

The population-weighted center points for each Output Area were used to assign a Fare zone to each Output Area.

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MyLondon_LOAC_area_description_text_v3Jan 2015

The London Output Area Classification uses a combination of over 60 Census variables to classify every single small area in London within a hierarchical structure.

Further information, an interactive tool and the full data download are available [here] (

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MyLondon_postcode_OAJan 2015

Postcodes consist of two parts. Using City Hall as an example, (SE1 2AA), SE1 is the 'outcode' and can be used as a search term in other websites such as Estate Agent websites.

To help with this, an Outcode has been assigned to each Output Area.

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MyLondon_traveltime_to_Bank_station_OAJan 2015

During user testing, travel to place of work was given as a common priority when choosing where to live, alongside ease of traveling to central London.

Although jobs are located across London, there is a clear concentration in the centre of London, with the centre point of this concentration falling in the area around Bank station.

The travel times were calculated using the iGeolise API.