This dataset estimate the number and percentage of jobs held by EEA born workers earning less than £30,000 per year in 2017 by industry in London.

  • The total number of jobs in London broken down by industry section (SIC2007), and the percentage held by those born in the European Economic Area (EEA), from the Annual Population Survey (APS) 2017. The data this is based on can be found here.
  • The percentage of employee jobs paying less than £30,000 per year broken down by industry section (SIC2007) for London from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2017 (provisional). The data this is based on can be found here.
  • Indicative estimates of the total number and percentage of jobs which are held by EEA born workers and paying below £30,000 per year based on GLA Economics calculations.

The GLA Economics estimated percentages of EEA workers earning less than £30,000 per year by industry group have been calculated by applying the share of jobs held by EEA workers in each industry (from APS) to the percentage of employee jobs paying less than £30,000 per year (from ASHE). The numbers are calculated by applying this to estimates of total jobs in each industry (APS).

Please be aware: these estimates have been produced with restrictions on data availability and are based on a number of simplifying assumptions. As such, these should only be regarded as rough estimates of the number and share of jobs in London which are held by workers born in the EEA and are likely to be paying below £30,000 per year. The estimates should, therefore, be used with caution.

For example, the methodology implicitly assumes that the percentage of employee jobs paid below £30,000 is the same for employee and self-employed jobs and for EEA and non-EEA workers, as well as for jobs held for less than one year. Please refer to the accompanying notes for further information.

For more information contact: [email protected]

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