Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups.

The figures given are an average day during school term-time. No account has been made for seasonal variations, or for people who are usually in London (resident, at school or working), but are away visiting another place.

Sources include the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) (available under license), Annual Population Survey (APS), 2011 Census, Department for Education (DfE), International Passenger Survey (IPS), GB Tourism Survey (GBTS), Great Britain Day Visit Survey (GBDVS), GLA Population Projections, and GLA Economics estimates (GLAE).

The figures published in these sources have been used exactly as they appear - no further adjustments have been made to account for possible sampling errors or questionnaire design flaws.

Day trip visitors are defined as those on day trips away from home for three hours or more and not undertaking activities that would regularly constitute part of their work or would be a regular leisure activity.

International visitors – people from a country other than the UK visiting the location;
Domestic overnight tourists – people from other parts of the UK staying in the location for at least one night.
All visitor data is modelled and unrounded.

This edition was released on 7 October 2015 and replaces the previous estimates for 2013.

GLA resident population, 2011 Census resident population, and 2011 Census workday populations (by sex) included for comparison.

See a visualisation of this data using Tableau.



For more workday population data by age use the Custom Age-Range Tool for Census 2011 Workday population , or download data for a range of geographical levels from NOMIS.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
1 file
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daytime-population-borough.xlsJan — Dec 2014

2014 Data