The Ultra Low Emission Zone will be expanded from the 25 October 2021 to include the area up to the North and South circular roads (from the Congestion Zone). ULEZ was introduced to clean up London’s most polluted air. It started on 8 April 2019, operates in the existing central London Congestion Charge Zone, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Vehicles must meet strict emission standards to drive in the central London ULEZ area, or pay a charge. It replaced the Toxicity Charge (T-Charge) in central London and is in addition to the Congestion Charge. For more information about the central London ULEZ please visit-
UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
3 files
File icon
Inner Ultra Low Emission Zone 2021 (SHP)

Esri shapefile of Inner Ultra Low Emissions Zone

Format: shapefile (.shp)

File icon
Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion (GPKG)

Geopackage of Ultra Low Emissions Zone

Format: geopackage (.gpkg)

Projection: EPSG: 27700, British National Grid

File icon
Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion (JSON)

GeoJSON of Ultra Low Emissions Zone

Format: GeoJSON (.json)