This data is taken from a survey of 1025 young Londoners aged from 11 to 16 years old, undertaken in Spring 2009 by ICM research on behalf of the GLA.

The questions explore areas of Mayoral policy and priority including safety, the environment, transport, the Olympics and community involvement. The data is available by demographic group, including gender, age, ethnicity and parental social class.

A full report was published by the GLA in September 2009 which includes detailed analysis of the results and is available on the GLA's website.

The response data is available as a CSV file containing 372 variables with an accompanying file defining each variable. The same data is also available in SPSS format for users of that software.

The data is also available in an Excel spreadsheet with tabs relating to each of the categories in the main report. This gets around the Excel limit of 255 columns in a single worksheet.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
11 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
5 files
File icon
Variable ListJan — Dec 2009
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Full SPSS datasetJan — Dec 2009