School level revenue balances for all local authority maintained schools by local authority.

These tatistics describing the total revenue balances (showing both committed and uncommitted revenue balances) and also the total revenue balances as a proportion of the total revenue income for LA maintained schools.

Tables from 1990/00 onwards available on Department for Education website.

A schools total revenue income for the year includes all revenue funding available to the year as well as any additional income generated by the school. This does not include any revenue balances carried forward from previous years.

Please note that although figures are shown here for committed and uncommitted balances there is considerable variation in how these are defined at local level meaning that at national level this comparison is not consistent or meaningful. Great caution should therefore be used in interpreting these figures.

The tables form part of annual series of school balances statistics which have been published on the Department's Every Child Matters website.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
2 files