The GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and public sector bodies can help reform public services in the capital. If successful, the pilot will pave the way to create a permanent London Office of Data Analytics.

As well as regular blogs, we will publish reports here as they are produced over the next few months.


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LODA Workshop Report - GLA Nesta July 2016Jul 2016

This report provides a summary of a workshop held on 21 June in London, in which 15 of the 32 London boroughs met with representatives from the GLA and Nesta to determine a public service challenge area that could be tackled with data for the pilot. The report sets out the vision for a London Office of Data Analytics, the purpose of the pilot, outputs from the workshop, and the next steps that Nesta and the GLA will take to make the pilot a reality.