The London Fire Brigade carries out home fire safety visits (HFSVs) across London. For more details see the LFB website here. During the HFSV fire safety advice will be provided to the owner/occupier, and smoke alarms will be installed. The visits are free, and the LFB website explains how to request a visit.

This data set shows the number of HFSVs carried out in each London borough. Most visits are carried out by fire station crews, and the data shows which fire stations carried out the visit. A few visits were carried out by our partners, and some by other LFB staff (identified in the data by van or 'practitioner' numbers).

Data is by financial year and quarters starting in April 2009 (i.e. Quarter 1 2009/10) and is updated quarterly.

The London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London and runs the London Fire Brigade.

Creative Commons Attribution
Last Update
6 months ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
  • Local Authority
1 file