Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date.

Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication of estimates is typically 9-12 months. To gain a more timely indication of birth trends, the GLA Demography team produces modelled estimates of annual births based on counts of infants registered with GP practices. Modelled birth estimates can be produced with the same frequency and latency that NHS Digital publishes patient count data - currently this is monthly and with a lag of 1-2 weeks.

The approach used to generate the modelled birth estimates was originally described in this 2016 technical note. The methodology relies on the correlation between the count of persons age 0 (i.e. yet to reach their first birthday) on the patient register and resident in an area with the number of births that have taken place in that area over the preceding year.

The data used to create these modelled birth estimates are:

  1. Modelled estimates of patient counts by age, sex, and local authority of residence
  2. Official estimates of annual live births by local authority of residence

A respository of the code used to generate the modelled birth estimates is available on GitHub. The repository's ReadMe provides more information about the methodology used to produce the estimates as well as a summary analysis of their past accuracy.

The outputs cover a range of geographies in England. Data for London show that annual births in London are predicted to have declined since the last official estimate, a continuation of recent trends in the official estimates.

Embedded Image Within London there is variation in how annual births are predicted to have changed since the latest official estimates. The majority of boroughs show a decrease in annual births over the period of predicted data. Some boroughs do not follow the overall London trend and instead show an increase in annual births. The map below shows the percentage change between the latest official births estimates (01 Jul 2023) and the latest GLA modelled births estimate (01 Oct 2024) for London Boroughs.

Embedded Image

File contents

Files containing the outputs from this modelling process are available for download below.

The downloads contain official ONS annual births estimates between 01 Jul 1992 and 01 Jul 2023, interpolated estimates at monthly intervals between official estimates, and predictions of annual births up to 01 Oct 2024. Predicted data are given alongside the upper and lower bounds of the 95% prediction interval.

The data are given for local authority districts, regions, country, and international territorial levels ITL2 in England using 2021 census boundaries.

These data are not currently split by sex.

The following are example rows to show the format of the csv data file downloads.

gss_code gss_name geography sex date type annual_births interval_lower interval_upper
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2023-06-01 interpolated 3377 NA NA
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2023-07-01 actual 3393 NA NA
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2023-08-01 predicted 3358 3300.4 3415.5
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2024-10-01 predicted 3385 3326.5 3443.6
gss_code gss_name geography sex date ratio ratio_lower ratio_upper ratio_type gp_count actual_births
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2023-06-01 1.099 NA NA interpolated 3072.3 NA
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2023-07-01 1.098 NA NA actual 3091.4 3393
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2023-08-01 1.097 1.078 1.115 predicted 3062.4 NA
E09000028 Southwark LAD23 persons 2026-01-01 1.078 1.06 1.097 predicted NA NA

The download contains png files of plots showing the actual and predicted annual births for each geographic area in the same format as the actual and predicted annual live births plot for London above. There are 3 plots for each different area which give different starting dates for the official estimates backseries to span a total of either 5, 10 or 15 years.

Creative Commons Attribution
Last Update
5 months ago  
Geographic Coverage
  • Other
  • Region
  • Local Authority
  • Greater London
3 files
File icon
actual_and_predicted_births.csvJul 1991

File combining: official and modelled birth estimates. Data for English local authority districts, regions, and ITL 2 subregions.

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Selected plots of actual and predicted recent births for English local authorities, regions, and ITL 2 subregions. Plots are labelled by their geographic code - a csv lookup of codes and names is included in the zip file.

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birth_gp_ratios.csvJan 2015

File containing: past birth estimates, modelled counts of patients age 0, actual and modelled ratios of births to patient counts. Data for English local authorities, regions, and ITL2 subregions.