Last Update
8 months ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
  • Local Authority
3 files
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Londons population of young children current and future.pdf

This report examines the demographic evidence around trends in the population of young children (age 0 to 10) in London. We used data from official sources to examine patterns in components of population change – births, domestic migration, and international migration – as well as population characteristics such as housing tenure.

The audience is intended to be those working in central, regional or local government, or in civil society, who need the findings for planning.

Note added 24/7/24: There was a mistake in the report uploaded on 9/7/24. Chart 2.2B has been replaced by the correct version. This is the only difference between the original and current versions of the report.

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This folder includes the data files used to create the charts in the report "London's population of young children - current and future".

Links to the original data sources, from which these data files were derived, are provided in the report.