This CSV table shows a breakdown of the dwelling stock down to a lower geographic level Lower layer Super Output Area or LSOA, categorised by the property build period and property type. CSV metadata.
Counts in the tables are rounded to the nearest 10 with those below 5 recorded as negligible and appearing as -. Data on build period, or age of property, has been used to create 12 property build period categories: Pre-1900, 1900-1918, 1919-1929, 1930-1939, 1945-1954, 1955-1964, 1965-1972, 1973-1982, 1983-1992, 1993-1999, 2000-2009, and 2010-2015.
Data on property type includes breakdown by bungalow, terraced, flat/maisonette, semi-detached and detached, and by the number of bedrooms. The counts are calculated from domestic property data for England and Wales extracted from the Valuation Office Agencys administrative database on 31 March 2015, and on 1 August 2012 and 31 March 2014. The VOA have published data that shows homes by period built, or type, and council tax band down to MSOA and LSOA level.
Rounding: Small differences between the rounding conventions are applied to the 2014 and 2015 statistics. For 2014 The rounding convention applied to the tables: Counts are rounded to the nearest 10 dwellings and counts less than 5 are reported as negligible (-). For 2015 The rounding convention applied to the tables: Counts are rounded to the nearest 10 with counts of zero being reported as "0" and counts fewer than 5 reported as negligible and denoted by "-".
National Statistics Postcode Lookup file (NSPL): Different NSPL files have been used for 2014 and 2015 statistics (February 2014 NSLP used February 2015 NSLP used). As a results, postcodes can be moved in different OAs. Further information on NSPL can be found at ONS
Property attributes: As part of the day to day VOA work, attributes information can be added (where no information is recorded) and/or changed (existing information is updated). This would result in counts in categories changing.
New entries and deletions: New entries into the CT List together with deletions from the CT List will result in changes to counts. New entries could be as a result from splits, mergers, new build but also entries which were not previously in the CT List i.e. a shop is converted in a domestic property. Similarly, deletions could be as a result from splits, mergers, demolitions but also entries no longer domestic properties i.e. a house is converted into a shop (non-domestic property). The map below was created to show the average age of properties at MSOA level. View an interactive map presentation (using Tableau) of the build period data for MSOAs and boroughs.