Detailed 2011 Census origin-destination data allow analysis of the personal characteristics of workers who commute into London. This dataset also contains information on average distance travelled to work and anaysis of how this varies by characteristics.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
  • Local Authority
4 files
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Characteristics of CommutersApr 2011

Report into the characteristics of workers who commute to jobs in London, based on 2011 Census data.

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Characteristics of Commuters - Appendix AApr 2011

Appendix A contains commuter flow maps for London boroughs. Each borough has 4 maps:

Distribution of home workers

Distribution of intraflow workers

Distribution of London commuters

Distribution of outside London commuters

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Characteristics of Commuters data sheetApr 2011

Data and figures from report CIS2015-03.

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Average Distance Travelled to WorkApr 2011

Average distance travelled to work. Population is usual residents employed in London. Distances calculated on an MSOA to MSOA basis.