The LAEI 2008 has since been superseded. Click here for the full list of releases.

Estimates of eight key and six subsidiary pollutants are included for the base year 2008 and projected forward to 2011 and 2015. The LAEI area covers the 32 London Boroughs and the City of London and up to the M25 motorway.

Detailed concentration modelling maps from the LAEI 2008 can also be downloaded from the Datastore.

Technical Information:

Due to the size of the LAEI database this dataset has been zipped and needs to be downloaded in two parts. The front-end MS Access database is available in two formats - 2000 and 2003. Please choose the appropriate one depending on which version of MS Office (Access, Excel and Word) you have installed on your machine.

  1. MS Access 2003 Format Database (226mb zipped)
  2. MS Access 2000 Format Database (219mb zipped)

All users will also need to download the supporting files and folders in order for either databases to function properly.

To use the LAEI please download either of the front-end databases and the supporting files to a local drive and extract the contents to a new folder using the "use folder names" option. The contents of the folder to which you extracted the files should look like the example image. Double-click the LAEI_2008.mdb file to start the system.

Due to the size of this database we recommend working on a local drive rather than over a network.

For further details please consult the User Guide and Emission Estimation Methodology Guide which can be found in the Documentation folder after the files have been extracted. In particular please note the final section regarding software object libraries which may be important if you experience any compatibility problems with different version of Access and Excel.

Find out about Clearing London's air here

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
12 years ago  
Update Frequency
4 files
File icon
MS Access 2003 Format DatabaseJan 2004 — Dec 2015
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MS Access 2000 Format DatabaseJan 2004 — Dec 2015
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Supporting Folders and FilesJan 2004 — Dec 2015
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laei-2008-extract-folderJan 2004 — Dec 2015