This series has been discontinued.

Life expectancy at birth and age 65 by sex and ward, London borough, region, 1999/03 - 2010/14.

The population data used is revised 2002-2010 ONS mid year estimates (MYE) - revised post 2011 Census. Revised population estimates by single year of age for wards can also be found on the ONS website for 2002-2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. These figures are consistent with the published revised mid-2002 to mid-2010 local authority estimates.

Rolling 5-year combined life expectancies are used for wards to reduce the effects of the variability in number of deaths in each year. The same method is applied to higher geographies to enable meaningful comparisons. However, 3-year combined expectancies are published separately on the Datastore for geographical areas that are local authority and above.

If the GLA publish revised 2002-2010 population data for wards then these life expectancy figures will also be revised to reflect them.

The ONS vital statistics mortality data breaks deaths into 10 year age bands. 5 year age band deaths were modelled using this data.

Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference Tables are available on the ONS website here.

The tool for calculating life expectancy is available from Public Health England.
The highest age band in the calculator is currently 85+. If the tool is updated with a higher upper age band (ie 90+), this data will be revised to reflect this change.

Healthy life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy (1999-2003) at birth have been calculated for wards in England and Wales. These can be found on the ONS website.

This data is also presented in the GLA ward profiles.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
  • Region
  • Ward
3 files
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life-expectancy-ward.xlsJan 1999 — Dec 2014

At birth and age 65, for all persons, males and females.

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life-expectancy-ward-at-Birth.csvJan 1999 — Dec 2014

For males and females

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life-expectancy-ward-at-65.csvJan 1999 — Dec 2014

For males and females