This package comprises the first release of 2011 Census data. The data includes a population estimate for males and females by 5-year age bands for each local authority in England and Wales. Also included is a single-year of age estimate for males and females for England and Wales.

The data is rounded to the nearest 100.

Table H01 - Number of households with at least one usual resident, local authorities
Table M01 -Number of non-UK short-term residents by broad age group and sex, England and Wales and constituent countries
Table M02 - Number of non-UK short-term residents by sex, local authorities in England and Wales
Table P01 - Usual resident population by single year of age and sex, England and Wales
Table P02 - Usual resident population by single year of age and sex, England
Table P03 - Usual resident population by single year of age and sex, Wales
Table P04 - Usual resident population by five-year age group, local authorities in England and Wales
Table P05 - Male usual resident population by five-year age group, local authorities in England and Wales
Table P06 - Female usual resident population by five-year age group, local authorities in England and Wales
Table P07 - Number of usual residents living in households and communal establishments, local authorities in England and Wales

Also released with this data was a Quality Assurance Pack for local authorities.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
11 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
1 file