Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, London's adult education sector saw a shift in its approach to teaching and learning, requiring a swift pivot to online delivery methods. In response, the Mayor launched a £9m Skills for Londoners Covid-19 Response Fund. This initiative aimed to bolster the capabilities of adult education providers, ensuring not only the continuation of skills development among Londoners but also addressing the challenge of digital exclusion.

 To gain a better understanding of the post-pandemic landscape, the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Learning and Work Institute (L&W) to carry out mixed-methods research into the experience of learners in adult education and the quality of adult education provision in London.

This report provides an understanding of the impact of the increased use of remote learning following shift to online delivery during the pandemic. This research explored recent trends in remote learning, learner and provider experiences and how policy and best practice can enhance remote learning in the city. 

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