Table of directly (DSR) age-standardised rates of suicides per 100,000 population, and Indirectly (SMR) (Includes undetermined Injuries), all ages and age 15 plus, three year (pooled) average and annual, by sex.

Deaths from intentional self-harm and injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (ICD-10 X60-X84, Y10-Y34 exc Y33.9, ICD-9 E950-E959 and E980-E989 exc E988.8), registered in the respective calendar year(s).

DSR stands for Directly age-Standardised Rates.

Mortality rates are age standardised using the European Standard Population as defined by the World Health Organisation.

3 year average rates are calculated as the average of single year rates for 3 successive years.

Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR), England = 100.

The annual rates at borough level are likely to be subject to relatively high levels of variability of numbers of suicides from year to year because of the relatively small numebrs of suicides that occur within boroughs. When comparing boroughs against each other, the three-year combined rate would provide a higher level of confidence.

NHS mental health information can be found here.

Various other suicide indicators are available from IC NHS website, including years of life lost, crude death rates, and indirectly standardised ratios (SMR). Follow: Compendium of population health indicators > Illness and Condition > Mental health and behavioural disorders

UK Open Government Licence
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9 years ago  
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Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
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suicide-mortality-borough.xlsJan 1996 — Dec 2014