This page is about the Assessment of Local Risks (AoLR) which supported the Brigade's London Safety Plan 2017 (LSP2017). This 2017 plan has now been replaced by the Brigade's new Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) - Your London Fire Brigade: our plan for 2023-29. This new plan, plus the Assessment of Risk which supports, it are available on the LFB website here.

The 2017 Assessment of Local Risk was a public facing document, designed to help increase the understanding of how risk (from fire and other emergencies) in London has changed over time and how different elements combine together to give a picture of risk.

The AoLR 2017 was not the only process the LFB uses to determine and provide its services, but it does give a high level overview which can be used to understand the basic concepts of fire cover and the steps the LFB are taking to make people safe.

The Brigade sets out how its prevention, protection and response activities will best be used to mitigate the impact of risk on communities in its Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP). The Brigade’s IRMP was formerly known as the London Safety Plan (LSP). The LSP 2017 originally covered the four year period from April 2017 to March 2021 (but was extended to 31 March 2023) and is available here. Previous LSPs are available on the LFB web site here. The methodology used for the Assessment of Risk was reviewed and updated as part of the preparation for the new Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) which runs from April 2023.

Ward level data is also published on this page for the 2017 AoLR (in XLS and CSV formats). This data underpins a postcode look-up tool available on the LFB web site here.

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Last Update
2 years ago  
Update Frequency
One off
4 files