The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).

Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force using GLA projections of the economically active population. Designed to complement ONS claimant count rates which use the whole population as the denominator.

From October 2015, the series included here is JSA CLAIMANTS ONLY. Output from the GLA ward level Claimant Count Model for 2015. There have been changes to the data published to create these rates. From May 2015, the official claimant count data changed at national and regional levels to include all claimants of Universal Credit not in employment (including those not subject to work related criteria).However, comparable data were not available by age and duration and the small area data did not include these claimants. From October 2015, this group of Universal Credit claimants were included in the small area data, but no duration data is available. However, the data in the files posted here (as released by ONS) were for the published claimant count up to September 2015 and from October 2015 continue to include JSA only.

At December 2015 there were more than 10,000 Universal Credit claimants in London, of whom 3,400 (34 per cent) were in employment. The borough with the largest number of these is Tower Hamlets with over 900 UC claimants not in employment, Some other boroughs had quite large numbers, but in 13 boroughs there were 10 or fewer recorded UC claimants not in employment. From January 2016 data this series will be replaced with a new series that uses the claimant count data that are available. Other breaks in the series are expected over 2016-17.

New Claimant Count Model Output

2015 model (xls)
2014 model (xls)
2013 model (xls)
2012 model (xls)
2011 model (xls)

Other Resources

Claimant Count Time Series - Ward claimant count summary data for the period 2011-2014

Update - New claimant count model methodology

Instant Atlas - An interactive visualisation of the GLA ward claimant count model
2015 model (IA)
2014 model (IA)
2013 model (IA)
2012 model (IA)
2011 model (IA)

Historical Models - Ward claimant count models 2010-2014 (old methodology)

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
  • Other
  • Ward
7 files
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Claimant Count Time Series.xlsx

GLA Claimant Count model outputs for Januray 2011 onwards. Total count, male count and female count for wards in London.

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Claimant Count Model 2015.xls

2015 Ward Claimant count model

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Claimant Count Model 2014.xls

GLA Claimant Count Model outputs for wards for each month in 2014

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Claimant Count Model 2013.xls

GLA Claimant Count Model outputs for wards for each month in 2013

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Claimant Count Model 2012.xls

GLA Claimant Count Model outputs for wards for each month in 2012

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Claimant Count Model 2011.xls

GLA Claimant Count Model outputs for wards for each month in 2011

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Update 2015-02 GLA claimant count 2014.pdf

GLA Claimant count methodology