The draft London Environment Strategy set out the Mayor’s vision of London’s environment to 2050. The draft strategy was published on the website on 11 August 2017 for a 14-week public consultation. It set out the Mayor’s ambition to make London the greenest global city.

The Report to the Mayor provides a high-level summary and analysis of the issues raised during the consultation of the draft strategy, from both technical stakeholders and members of the public. This allowed the Mayor to have proper regard to the consultation responses when deciding whether to approve the final version of the strategy.

The public responded to the consultation via Talk London online discussion threads and surveys; and via focus groups, interviews, and representative polling. The Talk London datasets and emailed responses were analysed by policy area, and compared against insights from the representative polling and offline qualitative research (focus groups and interviews). This allowed the team to identify any similarities or differences between the views of the general population and the views of the Talk London community.

All datasets on a policy area were brought together in a single thematic summary report, which aimed to show where the balance of opinion lay, as well as highlight areas of disagreement or debate. These reports are provided in Appendix 6 of the Report to the Mayor and are also set out below, alongside the more detailed qualitative and quantitative research findings and data tables.

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Last Update
7 years ago  
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15 files
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LES Consultation Summary Report - Air Quality.pdf

Summarising the results of quantitative and qualitative research into public opinions on air quality.

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LES Consultation Summary Report - Green Infrastructure.pdf

Summarising the results of quantitative and qualitative research into public opinions on green infrastructure.

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LES Consultation Summary Report - Climate Change Mitigation and Energy.pdf

Summarising the results of quantitative and qualitative research into public opinions on climate change mitigation and energy.

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LES Consultation Summary Report - Waste.pdf

Summarising the results of quantitative and qualitative research into public opinions on waste.

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LES Consultation Summary Report - Adapting to Climate Change.pdf

Summarising the results of quantitative and qualitative research into public opinions on adapting to climate change.

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LES Consultation Summary Report - Ambient Noise.pdf

Summarising the results of quantitative and qualitative research into public opinions on ambient noise.

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LES Consultation Quantitative Findings Summary.pdf

A summary report of the representative polling that was undertaken in June, July, August and September 2017 on topics considered in the draft London Environment Strategy. The raw data for this report is in the following spreadsheets.

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LES Consultation Quantitative Findings June 2017 survey.xls

Raw data from representative polling on waste, energy and air quality.

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LES Consultation Quantitative Findings July 2017 survey.xls

Raw data from representative polling on energy and waste.

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LES Consultation Quantitative Findings August 2017 survey.xls

Raw data from representative polling on air quality and water.

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LES Consultation Quantitative Findings September 2017 survey.xls

Raw data from representative polling on green infrastructure and waste.