Official statistics showing annual estimates of NUTS3 regional Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross disposable household Income (GDHI). Tables show estimates of total GVA, GVA per head, GVA per head index, Gross disposable household Income (GDHI) and GDHI per head at current basic prices.

Gross Value Added (GVA) (Income Approach) estimates at current prices for the years since 1997 for the 12 regions and countries of the UK plus Extra-Regio (NUTS1). Data available at NUTS1 (eg London), NUTS2 (eg Inner London), and NUTS3 level (eg Inner London - West).

Gross disposable household income (GDHI) is the amount of money that households have available for spending or saving, hence ‘disposable income’. This is the money left after expenditure associated with income e.g. taxes and social contributions, property ownership and provision for future pension income. It is produced and published at current basic prices and is made up of a number of components.
GDHI is comprised of the sum of two balances, the balances of primary and secondary incomes. The balance of primary incomes is mainly employment income, self-employment income, rental income and income from deposits and investments, less interest paid.
The balance of secondary incomes is mainly income from benefits, pensions and insurance claims less income tax, council tax, pension contributions and insurance premia.

The NUTS2 and 3 boundaries were changed from 1st January 2015. For London, the former NUTS3 areas are now the NUTS2 areas, and the new NUTS3 areas comprise smaller groups of local authorities.

A range of Regional Economic Indicators are available on the ONS website.

Relevant links:

Further data derived from the Census is available at: 

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Other
  • Region
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GVA-GDHI-nuts3-regions-uk.xlsJan 1997 — Dec 2014