The London Streets Traffic Control Centre records and monitors accidents, incidents, road works and public events, which are likely to the impact the normal flow of traffic on London's busiest roads.

The Live Traffic Disruptions XML feed contains information about the location, nature, impact and timing of a range of disruptions being monitored by TfL's 24/7 traffic control centre. The feed comes direct from the control centre's information database and is updated every five minutes.

The feed contains a date and time stamp which should be used to check that the information is up-to-date and be displayed when publishing the information.

Some ideas...

  • Each disruption event contains location coordinates, so any website offering travel information for customers could display the data, filtered for their geographic area of interest, on a map
  • The information could be combined with TfL's Traffic Camera and Roadside Message sign data feeds to provide a complete picture of traffic along a route or in an area
  • The data could be fed into an online road journey planner or mobile navigation system
UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
11 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc