This Intelligence Unit update (Update 04-2013) uses Department for Education (DfE) data sources to examine the following:

  1. Cross border mobility of primary school age children by residence;
  2. Cross border mobility of primary school age children by school location;
  3. Comparison of DfE estimates with ONS 2011 Census-based data; and
  4. Estimates of the number of pupils per borough attending independent school.

Update 04-2013 and the supporting data are both downloadable (updated 26th February 2013).

The equivalent report for secondary school age children was published in November 2012 as Update 25-2012. Both the report and the accompanying data can be downloaded from the Datastore.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
2 files