This dataset combines information on debt advice clients from three agencies working in London.

This dataset is built from information recorded by debt advice agencies on their client databases. It therefore does not provide a complete picture of debt in London, but helps to understand the characteristics of those seeking debt advice. The data are aggregated from three separate sources, and categories have been matched where possible to provide consistent output. Unknown cases for each variable have been omitted and numbers below 5 have been supressed, so there are different numbers of clients for each variable.

Key Findings

  1. -The number of people seeking debt advice varies widely across London, up to more than 200 clients in one year in one postcode sector.
  2. -Around 4 in 10 of those seeking debt advice were in the 35-49 age group
  3. -Londoners seeking debt advice came from across the spectrum of society, owner occupiers to homeless, all age groups and all ethnicities.
  4. -Levels of debt ranged from under £1,000 to over £1,000,000

Download Data


The GLA has prepared a series of maps visualising the debt advice data. These can be downloaded in PNG format below.

Geographic Unit, Measure, 2010-11, 2011-12

Borough, Age of clients, Map (PNG), Map (PNG)

Borough, Level of debt, Map (PNG), Map (PNG)

Borough, Level of debt of clients over 65, Map (PNG), Map (PNG)

Borough, Ethnicity of clients, Map (PNG), Map (PNG)

Borough, Tenure of clients, Map (PNG), Map (PNG)

Postcode Sector, Number of clients, Map (PNG), Map (PNG)

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
11 years ago  
Update Frequency
2 files