These workbooks contain the supporting data that sits behind GLA Economics Current Issues Notes 58 and 59.

The Government recently set out plans for a ‘skills-based’ immigration system post-Brexit. To inform debate, GLA Economics has produced two Current Issues Notes aimed at understanding which areas of London’s labour market are likely to be most affected by the proposals.

  • Current Issues Note 58: Which occupations may be most affected by the new £30,000 minimum salary and RQF3+ skills threshold proposals? Who works in these roles? How does the list of affected occupations change as the salary threshold is reduced towards £21,000?
  • Current Issues Note 59: In which occupations is the greatest disruption most likely from the proposed £30,000 minimum salary and RQF3+ skills threshold proposals?


These workbook bring together supporting data from the Office for National Statistic (ONS) that sits behind this work; for reference purposes, they also set out some of the modelled estimates used in our analysis. Please be aware: these modelled estimates have been produced with restrictions on data availability and are based on a number of simplifying assumptions.

Our approach to data imputation is set out in detail in Current Issues Notes 58 and 59 and described only briefly in these workbooks. For further information users are advised to consult the notes provided in each workbook and the original ONS data publications.

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