This dataset presents results of a four-weekly questionnaire sent to a cohort of organisations working directly with Afghan communities in London. The first two surveys, beginning October 2021, were run as pilots to help inform our approach and aimed to engage voluntary, community and faith sector organisations. Wave three, to be launched in January 2022, will be open to a wider group of stakeholders and focus specifically on organisations supporting Afghans living temporarily in bridging hotels. The results are being used to contribute to the collective understanding of the needs of Afghan arrivals in our city. 

The cohort is being recruited using existing contacts held by the Greater London Authority, and ‘snowball’ sampling, i.e. organisations are asked to forward the invitation to participate to other organisations known to them. Recruitment to the survey is being kept open to enable new organisations to join as they begin to engage with the community.

The information contained in these reports should be considered indicative only and may not be fully representative of all civil society or statutory organisations in London. Nor can the findings be considered representative of individual boroughs, as many organisations work across multiple boroughs. However, alongside other intelligence, we hope the information will be useful.  

If your organisation is supporting Afghans living temporarily in bridging hotels in London and would like to take part in this survey, please click here. 

Last Update
3 years ago  
Update Frequency
3 files