This Intelligence Unit update (Update 25-2012) uses Department for Education (DfE) data sources to examine the following:

  1. Cross border mobility of secondary school age children by residence;
  2. Cross border mobility of secondary school age children by school location;
  3. Comparison of DfE estimates with ONS 2011 Census data; and
  4. Estimates of the number of pupils per borough attending independent school.

An addendum to the report (Update 25a-2012) has been produced which considers net balance of mobility.

The report, addendum and accompanying data are all available to download.

The equivalent report for primary school age children was published in February 2013 as Update 04-2013. Both the report and the accompanying data can be downloaded from the Datastore.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
3 files