Town centres provide a range of commercial, cultural and civic activities, including shopping, leisure, employment, entertainment, culture, and social and community facilities. Their vitality and viability should be promoted to ensure they retain their importance. There are five broad types of town centres according to their scales and roles: International centres, Metropolitan centres, Major centres, District centres and Neighbourhood and more local centres. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries, please contact the relevant London Borough to confirm accuracy. NOTE: The boundaries are based on Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is published under Ordnance Survey's 'presumption to publish'.Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2019.

Greater London Authority - Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
4 files
File icon
Town Centre Boundaries

Geopackage of Town Centre BoundariesFormat: geopackage (gpkg)Projection: EPSG:27700, British National Grid

File icon
Town Center

ESRI shapefile

Format: .shp

Projection: EPSG:27700, British National Grid