Table shows number and proportion of young people aged 16-18 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET). Also in the spreadsheet are figures for those aged 16-24 by region and 'NUTS2/3' areas.

These tables now relate to academic age 16-18 which includes some information on those with an actual age of 19 and the information is now calculated on where a young person is resident and not as previously where educated. Therefore, data post Sep 12 cannot be directly compared with data before that.

The annual local authority NEET figures provide an estimate, based on average figures for November to January each year.

The 2010 data has been taken from the NCCIS database which has been reworked to attribute those in education back to their resident area, which means that this data will not match local CCIS information for this period. This data relies on the original submission containing accurate information about the resident area and should be taken as a guide only.

The 16-24 regional data can also be found on the Labour Market Indicators page.

Related links: DfE website - NEETS,

DfE website - Participation in Education and Training

Monthly data only available under license from NCCIS

This dataset is one of the Greater London Authority's measures of Economic Fairness. Click here to find out more.
UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
  • Region
1 file
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neets-borough-region.xlsJan 2008 — Dec 2022