Key Performance Indicators from Active People Survey (APS).

Data on volunteering, club membership, tuition, organised sport, competition, satisfaction with local sports provision, for local authorities, based on Active People Survey.

KPI 1 Participation is defined as taking part on at least 3 days a week in moderate intensity sport and active recreation (at least 12 days in the last 4 weeks) for at least 30 minutes continuously in any one session. Participation includes recreational walking and cycling.

KPI 2 Volunteering is defined as ‘Volunteering to support sport for at least one hour a week’.

KPI 3 Club membership is defined as ‘being a member of a club particularly so that you can participate in sport or recreational activity in the last 4 weeks’.

KPI 4 Receiving tuition is defined as ‘having received tuition from an instructor or coach to improve your performance in any sport or recreational activity in the last 12 months’.

KPI 5 Organised Competition is defined as ‘having taken part in any organised competition in any sport or recreational activity in the last 12 months’.

KPI 6 Satisfaction is the percentage of adults who are very or fairly satisfied with sports provision in their local area.

Organised sport is defined as the percentage of adults who have done at least one of the following: received tuition in the last 12 months, taken part in organised competition in the last 12 months or been a member of a club to play sport.

A statistically significant change is indicated by 'increase' or 'decrease' and this means that we are 95% certain that there has been a real change (increase or decrease).

For more information on measuring statistically significant change within Active People, see the briefing note on Sport England’s website.

The 'Base' refers to the sample size, i.e. the number of respondents.

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