Description and Purpose

This slide deck provides a high-level overview of major inequalities issues affecting Londoners in a ready-to-use accessible powerpoint and PDF format.

Our hope is that this can :

(1) be used as a platform for partnership work on inequalities across the capital

(2) help highlight key gaps in intelligence that would help improve our understanding of inequalities

(3) be used as a tool to advocate for the need for action to address health inequalities in London.  

This is however only a snapshot of inequalities in London and not intended to comprehensively cover all inequalities issues affecting London, every inequality dimension or factor driving inequalities in London


This is a resource intended for health leaders, analysts, officers, and policy makers from local and regional government, integrated care systems, NHS, academia, VCS organisations and partners across London to support their work to address inequalities by helping

(1) Frame discussions with system partners 

(2) Engage communities 

(3) Identify data sources on a given topic 

(4) Advocate for the need for action to address health inequalities

Development of the resource

Greater London Authority (GLA) Health, GLA City Intelligence Unit, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities London (OHID), Association of Directors of Public Health London (ADPH), NHSE and Institute of Health Equity (IHE) have collaboratively produced this report.

The sources of data available and topics included have been identified from existing published data, working in partnership through iterative discussion.

Last Update
5 months ago  
Update Frequency
One off
14 files