In February 2017, Learning and Work was commissioned by the Greater London Authority to undertake a mapping exercise of formal and informal provision of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in London, and undertake work to identify the language learning needs of resettled Syrian refugees in London.

This work aims to support London boroughs participating in the resettlement of Syrian refugees to provide appropriate ESOL learning to resettled adult Syrian refugees, and will contribute to the wider development of ESOL policy in London. It takes place at a time of considerable recent developments in skills policy in London, such as the anticipated devolution of the Adult Education Budget to the Mayor of London by 2019 and a recent review of Adult Community Learning.

This report, the case studies presented in Annex 1 and the borough-level reports in Annex 2, are based upon desk research, a survey of ESOL providers and a range of short and in-depth interviews with refugee organisations, ESOL providers and other stakeholders involved in the resettlement of Syrian refugees under the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement scheme. The work took place between February and March 2017, with an event for ESOL providers and other organisations and agencies working on Syrian refugee resettlement held in April 2017.

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