Outputs and accompanying technical note to illustrate differences between DCLG's 2014-based and ONS's 2016 based household projection methodology.

The GLA 2016-based household projections were published in July 2017. These made use of the an approach based on the 2014-based DCLG household projection model to convert the GLA 2016-based central trend population projection into households.

Those projections remain the offical GLA 2016-based household projections.

In September 2018 ONS released their 2016-based household projections based on a new methodology. The outputs published here were produced by applying the new ONS household model to the GLA 2016-based central trend population projection.

These projections are provided for information and comparison purposes only and do not supersede or replace the existing GLA 2016-based household projections.

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6 years ago  
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2 files