MOPAC conducts three ongoing surveys, providing a regular overview of how London residents experience and perceive the police.

  • The Public Attitude Survey (PAS) - a survey of 19,200 London residents per year capturing a wide range of perception data.
  • The User Satisfaction Survey (USS) - a survey of 9,600 victims of high volume crime about their experience of reporting a single incident to the police.
  • The Telephone Digital Investigation Unit Survey (TDIU) - a survey of victims of high volume crime reporting either online or by telephone to the MPS TDIU, about their experience of reporting a single incident to the police.

The questions asked in each of these surveys can be found in the PDF files below.

A pack of findings from the surveys is published quarterly - the Public Voice pack. Please find these in the files below.

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5 months ago  
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38 files