Child Tax Credit (CTC) provides support to families for the children (up to the 31 August after their 16th birthdays) and the "qualifying" young people (those in full-time non-advanced education until their 20th birthdays) for which they are responsible. It is paid in addition to Child Benefit. Some out of work families with children do not receive CTC but instead receive the equivalent amount via child and related allowances in Income Support or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (IS/JSA). These families are included in the figures, generally together with out of work families receiving CTC. In due course, they will be "migrated" to tax credits. Working Tax Credit (WTC) tops up the earnings of families on low or moderate incomes.

People working for at least 16 hours a week can claim it if they (a) are responsible for at least one child or qualifying young person, (b) have a disability which puts them at a disadvantage in getting a job or (c) in the first year of work, having returned to work aged at least 50 after a period of at least six months receiving out-of-work benefits. Other adults qualify if they are aged at least 25 and work for at least 30 hours a week.

Ward data available in the Ward profiles. 


Last Update
10 years ago  
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
1 file
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tax-credits-borough.xlsJan 2005 — Dec 2013