The GLA strongly believes that Government needs to do more to unlock the power of data, helping organisations to make better decisions and operate more efficiently. Greater sharing of information between public authorities will allow them to improve the lives of citizens and help the economy flourish. To this end, in March 2016, the GLA launched the London City Data Strategy. The aim of this strategy is to give London the most dynamic and productive city data market in the world by reducing friction in the sharing and value-driven exploitation of city data to a minimum. The GLA seeks to recognise city data as part of the capital’s infrastructure, using it to save money, incubate innovation, and drive economic growth, helping London to achieve global renown for data impact. Within this Strategy, we have committed to - as a priority action - pushing for broad access to data across government departments e.g. HMRC and DWP) for London, to overcome issues which currently prevent further data sharing opportunities outside departmental silos and which stand in the way of value creation. 

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