The data used in the MPS Homicide dashboard is available here Homicide dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this data set running quarterly behind with quarterly update.

What does it show and how was the content agreed?

In English and Welsh law, Homicide consists of the sum of 4 separate offences:

 Murder (Common Law) * 

 Manslaughter (sec 5 of the Offences Against The Person Act 1861)

 Infanticide (Infanticide Act 1938)

 Corporate Manslaughter (Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007) these will not show gender for People Proceeded Against. 

*Note that since 1996, the 'Year and a day rule' has been abolished. Therefore crimes of GBH can be upgraded to murder if the victim dies from their injuries at any point in time past the original offence.


Jurisdiction: Not all homicides in London are recorded by the MPS and presented in this report. It should be noted that 2 other police forces have jurisdiction within the boundary of London: The City of London Police (COLP) and British Transport Police (BTP). Therefore any homicides committed within their jurisdiction will be recorded and reported by them, and not the MPS.

Terrorism: The victims of the terrorist attacks in London in 2005 and 2017 are included in this data. However, note that for 2005, the victims of the Tavistock Square bus bombing are in the jurisdiction of the MPS and so included in this report, whereas the victims of the three tube train bombings are in the jurisdiction of the BTP and so do not appear in this report. In addition, note that for the London Bridge attacks of 2017, 1 victim was in the jurisdiction of the COLP and so is not in this report, whereas the rest of the victims were in the jurisdiction of the MPS and so are in this report.

Due to an internal IT deployment, from 27th February these datasets may be temporarily disrupted. Work is ongoing to rebuild these datasets.

Last Update
6 months ago  
Update Frequency
2 files
File icon
Homicide Victims.csvJan 2003 — Mar 2024
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Homicide Accused.csvJan 2003 — Mar 2024