In 2015 London's population surpassed its previous peak of 8.6 million people. This dataset contains an excel workbook showing borough population estimates and projections for the period 1939 - 2039 and a brief summary of population change in the capital.

Last Update
10 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
  • Local Authority
2 files
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Population by borough 1939 to 2039.xlsxJun 1939 — Jun 2039

Excel sheet showing London borough populations and household numbers at a series of data points from 1939 to 2039. Use ONS mid-year and census estimates and GLA projections.

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historical population 1939-2015.pdfJun 1939 — Jun 2039

A summary of borough population changes over the period 1939 to 2015.