The Mayor is committed to monitoring equality issues in London, including economic, health and social inequalities. This page brings together data and reports published by the GLA on these issues.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Evidence BaseGreater London Authority Report assessing the level of equality in London across a range of policy areas, to inform the Mayor’s equality, diversity and inclusion strategy. |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion MeasuresGreater London Authority This dataset supports the Mayor’s equality, diversity and inclusion strategy. It brings together publicly available data relevant to equality in London into a series of measures. |
Demographic impact of Covid-19 briefingGreater London Authority This briefing brings together a range of data published on the demographic impact of Covid-19 to understand how the city has been affected, covering what is known about Covid-19 cases and mortality. It summarises the emerging evidence of unequal impacts for different demographic groups, especially ethnicity and workers in particular occupations. |
Covid-19 socio-economic risk factors briefingGreater London Authority Coronavirus affects some demographic groups of the population more than others. There are also a number of other wider public health risk factors that have been found to increase the likelihood of an individual contracting coronavirus. This briefing presents descriptive evidence on a range of these factors, seeking to understand at a London-wide level the proportion of the population affected by each. |
London Community Response SurveyGreater London Authority This survey asks civil society organisations that work in London a small number of questions to understand the impact of Covid-19 and associated policy measures, such as social distancing, on vulnerable populations in the capital. It started off as a weekly survey in April 2020, but is now being conducted every fortnight. |
Rapid Evidence Review – Inequalities in relation to Covid-19 and their effects on LondonUniversity of Manchester The GLA commissioned the University of Manchester to conduct a rapid evidence review to document and understand the impact of Covid-19 (in terms of both health and the broader impacts on existing social and economic inequalities) on those with protected characteristics, as well as those living in poorer, or more precarious, socioeconomic circumstances, paying particular attention to its effect in London. |
Briefing – Universal Credit and Disabled LondonersDr Dalia Ben-Galim The GLA commissioned Dr Dalia Ben-Galim to investigate the impact of Universal Credit (UC) on disabled Londoners. The briefing provides an insight into the ecosystem of organisations in London offering support to disability benefit claimants migrating to UC. It includes rich evidence, featuring the voices of people supporting disabled Londoners in illustrating the problems with this system. The research was completed in May 2020 before the pandemic fully hit. |
Graduate outcomes in LondonSocial Market Foundation The GLA commissioned the Social Market Foundation (SMF) to conduct research focusing on how the outcomes of graduates who have studied in London and those from London vary, by a range of different characteristics. |