Our Datasets

Our Datasets

We regularly publish data about adult education and the labour market in London. Here you will find datasets and briefings relating to the AEB, London’s labour market, and other skills/employment data.

Skills For Work and Health Inequalities’

January 2024

This analysis provides a snapshot of the labour market, skills and adult education in London based on available data sources. Where possible, it provides breakdowns by disability and is intended to support relevant partners in their work in addressing health inequalities.

London Local Skills Report and Annexes

February 2022

The Skills for Londoners Board – London’s Skills Advisory Panel – has published a refresh of its first Local Skills Report.

GLA Economics COVID-19 Labour Market Analysis

May 2020 – current

Analysis of the labour market covering the latest developments and emerging evidence of the COVID-19 impact over the course of the pandemic.

Skills for Londoners Strategy Local Skills Report and Annexes

March 2021

The Skills for Londoners Board has published its first Local Skills Report. The report presents an overview of London’s skills landscape and an assessment of progress with the Skills for Londoners Strategy, before concluding with a forward look.

GLA Adult Education Budget

August 2019 – January 2021

This GLA AEB data publication provides information on adult (aged 19+) GLA-funded Further Education, comprising Education and training and Community learning (excluding apprenticeships, traineeships, advanced learner loans, the offender learning and skills service, and education and training services funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency). 

London Learner Survey

August 2021 – July 2022

The LLS 2021/22 surveys learners who have participated in GLA- funded AEB learning aims during the 2021/22 academic year. The survey focuses on seven outcomes, which can be divided into economic and social outcomes, as approved by the Mayor of London in the Skills Roadmap. The economic outcomes are progression into employment, progression within work and progression into further learning. Meanwhile, the social outcomes are improved health and wellbeing, improved social integration, improved self-efficacy and participation in volunteering.

Apprenticeship Statistics

August 2020 – January 2023

Analysis of the latest data for apprenticeships in London.