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London Borough of Southwark
London Borough of Southwark
Added 9 years ago

Information about this data is available on the website:

London Borough of Southwark
Updated 9 years ago

Extent of parking and loading bays on the highway maintained at public expense by Southwark.  The data is made up of polygon features. Tabular information includes the type of parking bay, approximate amount of spaces, days and times of operation. The data has been derived from OS MasterMap and is approved by the OS under a "presumption to publish" agreement for publication under Open...

London Borough of Southwark
Updated 10 years ago

Extent of waiting, stopping, loading restrictions on the highway maintained at public expense by Southwark.  The data is made up of line features. Attributes include type of restriction days and times of operation. Released on terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL 3.0) and published on For more metadata details see .