Lists of user-requested tables from the 2021, 2011 and 2001 Censuses. ONS charge for producing commissioned tables but once they are produced, most are published for all to use. It is however difficult to find out what tables are available as the ONS website does not list what's been produced. The 2011 and 2021 spreadsheets were originally our working sheets...
Time series of official live birth estimates for local authority districts and selected higher geographies in England and Wales from 1991-92 onward. Data are collated from the following sources: ONS mid-year population estimates components of change - local authority births for mid-year periods from 2001-2 onward Births and deaths...
Templates for the submission of data for use in the GLA School Roll Projection Service Notes on completing the Actual Roll templates: Subscribers should use the templates included on this page to provide roll data for individual schools. This data should be split by national curriculum year and gender. Data for primary and secondary schools should...
The GLA Demography Team offers a bespoke population projection service to London local authorities. Boroughs can request population projections based on their own choice of assumptions about future housing delivery. These assumptions are submitted to the team via a standard template. The resulting projections are referred to as the Borough Preferred Option (or BPO) and are commonly used to help support local...
This briefing summarises trends in National Insurance number applications from London residents since 2016. It examines the most frequent nationalities represented in recent data, and compares these nationalities with those applying from the whole of the UK.
This report summarises trends in new applications for the EUSS, outcomes from applications, the most frequent nationalities of London residents applying, and the distribution across London of number of applications and major origin nationalities.
The Covid-19 pandemic impacted both domestic and international migration patterns. This briefing is intended to provide a summary of pre-pandemic domestic migration relating to London, to provide a baseline against which new data can be compared. The Office for National Statistics provide annual data on internal migration moves into and out of each local authority in England and...